to open the expanding toolbar menu, and select 'Maps' to open the 'Maps' List.
Google Maps is a map service that lets you view locations in your web browser. You can view maps and local business information, and driving directions. Click and drag maps to view adjacent sections instantly.
Use Maps List to setup Google Maps to display multiple project site addresses, or other locations on the one map. Keep the map for your personal use, or share it with the entire company.
The following details can be viewed for each saved Map: Maps tab shows a pin for location of each of the location added to your Map, the Info tab shows the summary map details that is displayed in Maps List, and the Locations Tab shows the address and details of any address look-up errors.
Not sure how to get to your client's site? Use Google's 'Get directions' feature to find out how to get there from your office.
Tip: When using the Synergy Desktop application and clicking the 'Show on a Map' button in Project List, a Map with locations is automatically created in your Synergy Cloud Services account. This will be shown in Maps List as Private map for your use again in Synergy Cloud Services.
Tip: When using the Synergy Desktop application and clicking the 'Show on a Map' button in Project List, a Map with locations is automatically created in your Synergy Cloud Services account. This will be shown in Maps List as Private map for your use again in Synergy Cloud Services.
Click on the tab in the top right named 'Locations' and select 'Maps' from the list to toggle between the views.
Click the actions menu button and then click the Edit option to update the Map Details. This is located on the right side of the row in Locations list.
After opening Maps List several Filter options are available:
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